GeoSpring Hybrid Electric Water Heater
Warm up to lower energy bills! The GE GeoSpring Pro Hybrid Water Heater is one of America’s most efficient domestic hot water heaters, using 67% less energy and saving $370 to $490 per year on util ...

AO Smith Voltex Hybrid Electric Heat Pump Water Heater
The Voltex® hybrid electric heat pump water heater more than lives up to its impressive reputation. The 50, 60 and 80-gallon models use heat pump technology, which means more energy stored, resulting ...

Heat Pump Water Heater Rebate from Efficiency Maine
Efficiency Maine offers a rebate of $300 for qualifying hybrid electric heat pump water heaters. True North offers only heat pump water heaters that qualify for this rebate. Read on for an over ...

Wood Pellet Boiler Rebate from Efficiency Maine
Efficiency Maine offers a rebate of 1/3 of the total project cost up to $6,000 for ultra-low greenhouse gas emitting automated wood pellet boiler systems. Read on for an overview of the woo ...

Air Source Mini Split Heat Pumps
If you’ve never considered electric heat, now is the time; heat pumps are more efficient than ever and will eliminate or significantly decrease the amount of heating fuel you use to heat your home or ...

Mitsubishi Heat Pumps
Mitsubishi Heat Pumps offer a state of the art ductless home heating and cooling system solution that can handle a wide range of needs, from small one-room spaces to large multi-room homes, retail spa ...