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Maine Energy Systems Wood Pellet Boilers

The Maine Energy Systems AutoPellet wood pellet boiler is effortless to use and is ideal for central heating and domestic hot water in many homes and businesses. The AutoPellet is a fully-automated standalone wood pellet boiler designed to meet the demands of households, businesses, municipal buildings and institutions.

An AutoPellet wood pellet boiler can help you to cut your heating bill by up to 60% and your carbon emissions by 90%.  With over 60,000 units in service worldwide, you can be assured that your Maine Energy Systems wood pellet boiler comes from one of the most trusted brands in home heat, comes with a 30 year warranty, and offers an unprecedented array of pellet storage options to fit most spaces.

Automatic Vacuum Fed Fuel

From the pellet mill to the burner, you never see or touch the fuel.  For installations that require pellet storage to be in a location separate from the boiler, vacuum delivery is a good option.

Ash compaction for easy ash removal

As with any biomass fuel, you will have to remove ashes from your wood pellet boiler from time to time.  With the Maine Energy Systems AutoPellet, ash is automatically compressed into a specially designed container to be emptied by a quick and easy process about four times per year in the average home as shown in this video.

Fuel Storage for any application

From 1/2 ton to 50 tons, Maine Energy Systems AutoPellet boilers can store it all.  With many sizes and configurations available, our wood pellet storage options are designed to fit your space and needs.  These options ensure safe, automatic, reliable movement of the wood pellets from bulk storage to the burner.  Our Flexilo storage bags ar well suited for indoor spaces where space is limited.

Automatic Heat Exchanger Cleaning

Heat Exchanger tubes are automatically cleaned daily, never requiring a manual cleaning. There is no need to cool or shut down the Maine Energy Systems AutoPellet boiler in order to clean it.

Bottom fed burner

Our unique bottom fed burner design eliminates emptying ask from the burn chamber for a restart, this results in no byproduct build up.  After a period of low demand only the application of air is commonly necessary to restart.

Maine Energy Systems is Flexible

While the price point on Maine Energy systems boilers is higher than Kedel, Maine Energy Systems offers a wider array of storage options and a robust vacuum system that allows pellets to be stored further (up to 60 feet away) than via auger systems.

Maine Energy Systems Saves You Money

Fueled by wood pellets, a local and abundant fuel, Maine Energy Systems can save you up to 60% on heating fuel costs. The average Maine home uses 800 gallons of oil per year. At $4.00 per gallon (oil prices change frequently; click here to see the current price of fuel oil), the average home could save hundreds of dollars per year in heating costs.

Continue reading about wood pellet boilers or get started today!