Most Mainers have an oil boiler heating their homes. And whether it’s one year old or thirty, True North can help you maintain your boiler and optimize it for efficiency so that it uses as little oil as possible to keep your home warm. First, we check your system for efficiency to evaluate what can be improved. Then, through cleaning, tuning and reducing the size of the nozzle that feeds oil into the boiler, we can reduce your oil consumption (and the money you’re spending on it) by up to 10%. Effective and affordable, our Oil Boiler Optimization service will help you start saving money right away and in the long term.
Our newest offering that we’re excited about is Bio-Optimization. Through our partnership with Maine Standard Biofuels, we’ll set up biofuel service for your home and convert your boiler to use B20 biofuel. It’s simple and easy, and cuts your carbon emissions by up to 30% and your fuel bill by up to 20%. Read on to find out more.
In addition to optimization, True North offers 24/7 emergency service to our contract clients, and regular service for homeowners and small businesses. We offer an unparalleled depth of knowledge and experience, and we always strive to ensure that we are providing legendary customer service. Read more about what makes us different.
Read more about what we offer through our service department.
Get Started Today! Let us know about your home heating goals and start on the path to saving fuel and money every day.