Tips for Choosing A Heating Contractor

Tips for Choosing A Heating Contractor

It was 10 degrees for much of the morning here…

true north

Lee’s Promise

I made some promises awhile back. I made a promise…

EPA Releases Analysis of Emissions from Biomass Fuel!

EPA Releases Analysis of Emissions from Biomass Fuel!

It’s a pretty great time to be a wood pellet…

Home Performance and New Construction Services

Home Performance and New Construction Services

Home Performance is an area of building science that focuses…

Fujitsu Heat Pumps

Fujitsu Heat Pumps

As much as half of the energy used in your…

Service, Cleaning & Optimization

Service, Cleaning & Optimization

Most Mainers have an oil boiler heating their homes.  And…

Why Get Off Oil?

Why Get Off Oil?

Learn about the economic, social, environmental and political reasons to…

Cord Wood Boilers

Cord Wood Boilers

High-efficiency Tarm wood gasification boilers are easy to start, smokeless,…

Natural Gas Boilers

Natural Gas Boilers

Natural gas is an affordable, domestically-produced, easy to use alternative…