We have met hundreds of homeowners here in Maine that report positive changes in their winter home comfort, heating fuel bills and overall efficiency when they switch to a sustainable heating solution such as wood or wood pellets, heat pumps or biofuel. Read through case studies and information on the impact that sustainable heat has on Maine homes. Choose a post below to get started.
What are the Five Best Smart Thermostats?
Read more: What are the Five Best Smart Thermostats?Lifehacker recently put a call out to their readers to share their experiences using smart thermostats, and asked them to rank and review their favorites. Which ones prevail and which ones fail? Let’s find out: The clear winner for Lifehacker readers is the Nest Thermostat. Sure, there are other smart thermostats, and have been others…
Heat Pumps 101: 8 of The Most Common Questions About Heat Pumps Explained
Read more: Heat Pumps 101: 8 of The Most Common Questions About Heat Pumps ExplainedHeat pumps are awesome – everyone says that right? But they’re also kind of… magical? Not really, of course. But the technology that drives heat pumps is mysterious unless you’re an expert in physics AND heating and cooling. And most literature on the Internet either wants you to buy a heat pump, or wants you…
Maine Energy Systems Wood Pellet Boilers
Read more: Maine Energy Systems Wood Pellet BoilersThe Maine Energy Systems AutoPellet wood pellet boiler is effortless to use and is ideal for central heating and domestic hot water in many homes and businesses. The AutoPellet is a fully-automated standalone wood pellet boiler designed to meet the demands of households, businesses, municipal buildings and institutions. An AutoPellet wood pellet boiler can help…
Free Home Heating Assessment
Read more: Free Home Heating AssessmentThe first step in upgrading your heating system is a free in-home visit from a True North Energy Advisor. Our highly skilled team are trained to ask the right questions to understand your needs and the behavior of your home’s current heating system, but we take it one step further, identifying the ways in which…