We are very lucky to have so many great organizations and businesses in Maine working in the areas of sustainability and stewardship.  Here are just a few resources we love.  Choose a post below to get started.


  • Wood Pellet Boilers

    Wood Pellet Boilers

    A highly efficient wood pellet boiler is a comprehensive heating solution for your home that can completely replace your oil boiler. Wood pellet boilers use your home’s central heating infrastructure and have a proven track record of cutting heating fuel costs by 30 to 60% and your CO2 emissions by a remarkable 90%.  A wood…

    Read more: Wood Pellet Boilers
  • Maine Energy Systems Wood Pellet Boilers

    Maine Energy Systems Wood Pellet Boilers

    The Maine Energy Systems AutoPellet wood pellet boiler is effortless to use and is ideal for central heating and domestic hot water in many homes and businesses. The AutoPellet is a fully-automated standalone wood pellet boiler designed to meet the demands of households, businesses, municipal buildings and institutions. An AutoPellet wood pellet boiler can help…

    Read more: Maine Energy Systems Wood Pellet Boilers
  • Home Performance and New Construction Services

    Home Performance and New Construction Services

    Home Performance is an area of building science that focuses on creating a comprehensive solution to fixing comfort and energy efficiency problems in a home, or examining the building envelope for a new home that prevents these issues during the construction process. True North will work with your architecture firm, contractor and energy auditor (we…

    Read more: Home Performance and New Construction Services
  • Why Get Off Oil?

    Why Get Off Oil?

    Learn about the economic, social, environmental and political reasons to stop using fossil fuels to heat your home. There are many economic, social, environmental and political reasons to stop using fossil fuels to heat your home, but we think the simplest ones are the best: lowering your heating costs, reducing carbon emissions and investing in…

    Read more: Why Get Off Oil?
  • EPA Releases Analysis of Emissions from Biomass Fuel!

    EPA Releases Analysis of Emissions from Biomass Fuel!

    It’s a pretty great time to be a wood pellet here at True North!  Last month, the Environmental Protection Agency validated that emissions from sustainably sourced biomass (wood pellets and others) are “likely to have minimal or no net atmospheric contributions of biogenic CO2 emissions, or even reduce such impacts, when compared with an alternate…

    Read more: EPA Releases Analysis of Emissions from Biomass Fuel!
  • Tips for Choosing A Heating Contractor

    Tips for Choosing A Heating Contractor

    It was 10 degrees for much of the morning here in Portland today, which means that unless you enjoy a chilly home, your heating system got a workout last night.  Great!  That’s what it’s for!  But what if your system isn’t performing up to expectations, or – even worse – not performing at all? Just…

    Read more: Tips for Choosing A Heating Contractor