Blog, Cord Wood Boilers, Wood Pellet and Cord Wood Heating

Thermal Storage for Cord Wood Boilers

A thermal storage tank in the basement of a Maine home.
A thermal storage tank in the basement of a Maine home.
A thermal storage tank in the basement of a Maine home.

The Benefits of Adding Thermal Storage to Your Cord Wood Boiler System:

A wood fired gasification boiler can be installed in your home with thermal storage or without thermal storage, but to keep your system truly efficient, True North recommends that you add thermal storage to your wood boiler.

A thermal storage tank is a large insulated water tank that stores the heat generated by your wood boiler.  A fire burns most efficiently when it is burning very fast and very hot – but your home’s needs are different and the heat you use must be sustained over many hours.  By adding thermal storage to your wood boiler, you allow your fuel to burn in the most efficient way possible while also having access to the heat you need when you need it.

In general, with thermal storage, you will only have to light one fire in your boiler per day, and then the heat generated by your boiler will be stored in the tank and distributed where needed throughout your household.  Without thermal storage, you may have to light a fire 3 or more times per day, and much of the heat generated would not be used.

True North’s custom-built thermal storage tanks are the result of years of research and hands-on development.  Our team has a time-tested design that offers maximum durability and excellent insulation to store the BTUs generated by your wood boiler.